Author name: Proservices Convesio


screen printing vs embroidery? What is the difference? Are there benefits to one versus the other?

The quick answer: Screen printing involves ink pressed into the fabric of shirts, bags, or other garments. Embroidery involves stitches and colored threads sewn into an item, usually logos sewn into shirts, hats, or bags. At the end of the day, it all comes down your final design. There are a lot of options and […]

screen printing vs embroidery? What is the difference? Are there benefits to one versus the other? Read More »


10 great gift ideas for remote teams and new employees shipped to their doors

As many Californians head back to the office, at least some of the time, offices that are rethinking their office leases are in new hybrid part-time-work-from-home territory. For employees without a permanent desk or now share a desk, the mainstay desk items of family photos and quirky kitsch has to change.  BYOGLogo has been fulfilling

10 great gift ideas for remote teams and new employees shipped to their doors Read More »

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